tree health care​

What To Expect During a Tree Health Care Inspection in Newcastle, OK

November 26, 2024

You might attend doctor’s appointments or take your pets to your local veterinarian. Why not extend the same care and concern to your trees? While you can’t load up favorite specimens into the car and drive to a nearby tree healthcare facility, you can schedule a tree inspection with a qualified tree service in Newcastle, OK, like Arbor Image Tree Care!

Let’s dive into the details of what to expect from a thorough tree inspection and how it benefits your trees and plants.

What Is a Tree Health Inspection’s Objective?

Tree evaluations work like any other health assessment, with the arborist’s objective being to: 

  • Identify potential growth or health problems
  • Recommend remedies
  • Suggest other services to make your specimens look their best year-round

Since urban trees and plants positively impact human health, keeping your saplings, yearlings, and mature specimens in optimal condition benefits your property, safety, and well-being, too. 

What Can You Expect From This Tree Service?

So, what exactly happens during a tree healthcare inspection in locations like Newcastle, Oklahoma? Teams like Arbor Image Tree Care will arm each client with extensive knowledge and resources to help each specimen in the yard flourish. 

Discover what they do during a routine tree examination below. 

Disease and Pest Diagnosis

Trees harboring hidden pests and diseases often show subtle symptoms that you might miss but an arborist won’t. Your inspector will carefully search for and point out those insidious infestation signals. 

Catching fungal, bacterial, and bug infestations early simplifies pest management. Plus, your arborist can point you toward disease-prevention methods to protect surrounding trees. 

Soil Quality Analysis

Sometimes, the dirt just doesn’t contain the nutrients that growing trees need to thrive and stay healthy. Poor soil quality impacts more than healthy growth. It can also weaken the tree to the point that it attracts diseases or pests looking for a weakened host to take over. 

A soil quality analysis reveals lacking nutrient levels. That way, your arborist gathers the information they need to make recommendations about how to fertilize the tree and enrich it.

Recommendations for Maintenance Practices

Consistent maintenance practices can make or break a specimen’s health and longevity. Your arborist can spot poor tree care a mile away. If they find that the tree lacks consistent maintenance, they may recommend:

  • Seasonal pruning and trimming
  • Annual fertilization
  • Bracing and cabling for additional support
  • Tree planting techniques for future saplings
  • Watering schedules for optimal hydration

A well-watered, nourished, and stable tree is a happy one!

Growth Monitoring

Have you recently planted a new tree on your property? What can you do to ensure its survival? 

Transplanting trees can shock or traumatize them, especially when done improperly. As such, your arborist can provide growth monitoring insights for young specimens. Informed tree care decisions could save its life!

Schedule Your Tree Health Care Inspection in Newcastle, Oklahoma, With Arbor Image Tree Care

Ready to prioritize tree healthcare year-round? Arbor Image Tree Care offers free tree health evaluations in Newcastle, Oklahoma. Contact us at 405-815-7959 to schedule your evaluation or join our tree membership for long-term care and maintenance.

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