Are Your Trees Plagued By These Common Problems?

If you see discolored leaves, dead branches, or leaves dropping too early, it could be a sign that your tree has a disease or pest infestation. Below, you’ll learn how to identify the symptoms of some common pests and diseases that harm your trees. If you notice any of the issues, get in touch with our team. Early treatment gives your tree the best chance of bouncing back and continuing to thrive for decades to come.

Pests: Webworms | Bagworms | Elm Leaf Beetle | Boxwood Leafminer | Lace Bug |
Woolly Adelgids | Crape Myrtle Bark Scale | Gloomy (Armored) Scale | Boring Insects |
Japanese Beetles | Pine Wilt Nematode | Spider Mite | Aphids

Diseases: Dutch Elm Disease | Iron Chlorosis | Hypoxolyn Canker | Seiridium Canker | Bacterial Leaf Scorch | Pear Rust | Cedar Apple Rust | Diplodia Tip Blight |
Dothistroma Needle Blight | Oak Wilt | Powdery Mildew | Rhizosphaera Needle Cast |
Root Rot | Plant Gall | Anthracnose

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Common Questions About Pests & Diseases

Why is my tree dying?
We create full-service, worry-free, year-round tree care plans specific to your property. Since every property is different, there’s not a one-size-fits-all plan, but we often do the following:

WINTER – It’s the season to protect from winter burn, sun scald, and pest hibernation. We do selective pruning to remove dead, diseased, and damaged limbs and inspect to discover issues that may have been hidden by the tree’s foliage over the spring.

SPRING – It’s planting and growing season! Aside from a proper watering regimen and mulching, we focus on curtailing pests, diseases, and fungal growth. There’s a lot to manage including detailed trimming, soil conditioning, deep root feeding, and more.

SUMMER – The season is here to enjoy the benefits your trees provide. We provide care to help your trees endure heat, drought, disease, and more.

FALL – It’s time for plantings and season ending preparation including feeding, mulching, soil treatments, pest deterrents, disease prevention, and more.

What’s the monthly cost of the Tree Health Membership?
Trimming and pruning limbs up to 4 inches in diameter are included with your membership. Anything larger would be an additional project cost, but we are of course happy to help you manage any post-storm damage.
Do you plant flowers and shrubs?
No, we do not plant flowers or shrubs. We recommend getting in touch with a landscape company or gardener to work with these types of plantings.
Still have questions? Ask An Arborist

Don’t Let Pests & Diseases Get The Best Of Your Treescape

Early treatment is the key to saving your trees. Get in touch at the first sign of a problem!
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